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, specialized in typography and generative processes, balancing on the intersection of art, design and technology. Always interested in collaborations with designers, developers and publishers around the world. Please get in touch for questions or project inquiries.

Independent creative technologist, designer and educator based in New York.

eMail, Instagram, LinkedIn, Bēhance

Type Design
For retail and custom typefaces please visit 26a1.xyz

University lecturing & workshops

HS Mainz, Master Design22
HEAD Genève, Master Design22

Selected talks

HSD Online Type Talk21
KABK TS2 Lunch Lecture #321
HS Mainz22
Type Directors Club22
Libros Mutantes23
MIT Media Lab23
Dynamic Font Day23
TypeLab, Typographics24

Selected press

© 2024 Daniel Wenzel. All rights reserved. Website Design & Development: Daniel Wenzel. Typeface: Monument Grotesk GX. Licenses must be purchased before use. Sharing, disseminating, and distributing is strictly prohibited. Please don’t steal and distribute my typefaces illegally.